I am not making too many efforts to learn Spanish right now - sometimes I look something up on a little hand unit or by using Google Translate (= excellent program ad-on from Google). Having coffee with a local real estate man I learned the following:
The name "Sabalo" is all over on busses etc - does it mean anything? Yes, it does: it is a kind of fish and Sabalo simply denotes an area close to the marina lagoon where people used to fish a lot, I guess, so they called it after the Sabalo fish. Darlene's friends did not know that, although they live there: but now they see some sense in that all the streets in the division have other fish names (Their's is "Marlin", but "Sucker" would seem like a nice one to choose, too.)
Does "Cerritos" mean anything? It does: cerro is hill, cerrito is little hill, and so I know now that I live at "Littlehills Point".
Cerritos: make sure you rrrroll the R's.
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