
Thursday, October 2, 2008


On September 30 I had a smooth trip from Vancouver to Mazatlan, right on time. Leaving the plane, we were greeted with a 33oC temperature and a good humidity. Customs and Immigration were rapid and efficient, and outside the airport it is easy to arrange transportation: Take a "collectivo" van, so it costs only some 8 dollars to be dropped anywhere in Mazatlan, even 15 km or so outside the city at Punta Cerritos trailer park! I had to wait for 20 min for someone to arrive with the key for the trailer - which of course was like an oven, and the first night was somewhat - well, hot. Power and water were connected, although the next day I discovered the water hose was connected to nothing, and the water I got inside was from the storage tank and the pump. Well, it worked. The next morning I got help from a neighbor with connections and cleaning out the gray tank and the black tank - both being left full.

I was lucky I had brought one knife, fork and spoon and a small bag with oats, nuts and sugar - otherwise I might have starved - as well as one large sheet. But there is a little store on the premises - and later I discovered there are simple restaurants by the beach. In general, the trailer was as promised and described - but I had to also learn how to move out (via a switch that needed finding and locating) the suide sections to open up the licing room and bedroom. Now it is 2 days later and I took a few pictures - see next!

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