
Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Panama - the Restaurant Chain

Many of the roadside taco and food places, even some of the local restaurants, may not be to your liking in terms of the decor of the place, with a sense of they not being quite clean - although price wise very acceptable. So, if you are fuzzy and still want some "Mexican" food in Mexico, there is a chain of restaurants which you probably will have none of the issues mentioned: The PANAMA chain.

Lets go and have a look:

The places are clean, airconditioned, offering an amazingly large variety of foods and bakeries. The service is excellent and all the personnel is meticulously dressed in attractive uniforms. The huge menu is available in English and shown in colorful displays.

This page shows favored selections, "Flavor of Love"

Plentiful selections of drinks and deserts

But you do not need to order a dinner - there are plenty of snacks!

Before noon you can order from a large variety of "Desayunos" - breakfasts.

"Cenas" is full dinners - with the price being seldom over $10.- and lower than at fancier restaurants catering to foreigners.

If you have trouble ordering from a list: here is a colorful display of dinner arrangements

At lunchtime, the places may be rather full, but at other times there should always be some room.

Some new and favored selections may be displayed when you enter.
And this is what I am usually looking for: the lady who pushes this dessert trolly through the rows, so you can choose your favorites from the live display: There is no sugar icing, but all fancy tortes are done with buttercream, and I choose always the least healthy one  and order with it a "cafe descafeinado", a decaf, and that costs me 66 pesos plus 10 as a tip - so that would be about 5 Canadian dollars.

(Should i show this blog to the manager, maybe he will offer me a free lunch?)

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