
Monday, February 23, 2009

My last bull fight

Today I went to my last bullfight - and it also was my first. I must say that, although the animals (4 bulls) of course were tortured, it did never take too long - maybe 5-15 min. I have seen slaughter lineups in Canadian slaughterhouses and have witnessed the way they slaughter a steer or cow in a commercial facility in Saudi Arabia (winching the whole body up by one hind leg, whereby attaching the hook or sling takes a lot of chasing around , and then slicing its throat with a sharp knife) and the animals are always similarly stressed out.
The famous Pablo Hermoso from Spain was the "featured" matador: he has some beautifully performing horses and does the whole 'thing' from the horse, an incredible performance I must admit. The horses move sideways as fast as the bull charges, and his horns are never any farther away from the horse than a few inches. Tickets were not cheap: about 35$, maybe 15$ on the side of the rink where you have to sit in the sun. Lots of Mexican and gringo visitors as the pleased crowd.
They used to have bull fights regularly - but since October there have been only 3 events, and so I managed to catch this third one today. I almost missed it because the guy who was to tell me and remind me didn't.

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